Part of the Faster Way is carb cycling – which was new to me before starting the program, but has become one of my favorite tools for fat loss and great energy! I stick to two low carb days per week, and then five higher carb days. Best of both worlds and a game changer for looking and feeling my best and fueling my workouts and active life!

One of the biggest questions I get about the program over the last several months is “what do you eat?!”. And for me, a day of eating looks very different on higher carb days vs lower carb days!

So today, I’m going to do a big roundup of recipes I love and have in the rotation to fit my higher carb macro days and my lower carb macro days! Many are flexible and can be fit in either way depending on what is eaten for the other meals of the day, or how the meal is served… especially the low carb ones! So I’ll try to note that too! But hopefully this helps get some ideas and inspiration going!

PS: new to the Faster Way? Search “Faster Way” in the search bar above or head to the link HERE to learn more about it. I started with a 6 week round, and am now a “VIP” and have stuck with it for several months. Never felt better I tell ya! I have a bunch of blog posts answering all of your questions so search if you’re interested in more info!