Those early months postpartum are a doozy, aren’t they? I mean, techincally, we’re “post”-partum forever. But those early, transitional months where you cross the bridge from pregnant mom-to-be to “they’re here and they need me 24/7 yet I still have to function as a human”… tough times!

There’s SO much magic that lies in those days, but they’re also just so challenging – at least for me. The lack of sleep, the huge shifts in hormones, the adjustment to a completely new lifestyle. For me, it was harder the first go-around, of course because it was all brand new – the whole being a parent thing. But I also just truly didn’t know what to expect in terms of how intense it would all be – physically, mentally, emotionally. I was honestly a mess!

I’ve been pretty open about my struggles with big feelings of overwhelm and anxiety postpartum. It took me a long time to get back to a sense of “normal” after having Hudson. So when it came time for round two with having baby Ford, I was so looking forward to pulling out my Equilibria CBD to see how it could ease the transition.

I feel like looking back at the first 6 months of Ford’s life, with “two under two”, I can see two pretty distinct phases I went through – and Lord, Hallelujah I was so grateful that CBD could truly help me with BOTH of those phases. Like a tangible, “don’t know what I would do without this stuff” kind of relief.

So let’s break it down – my two big postpartum “problem” stages, and how I supported myself through them with some CBD magic.

Of course hormone shifts & lack of sleep have been present throughout both stages, but thankfully the CBD regimen I’m on has truly helped with both of those things too.

**ALERT: Just in time for Mother’s Day, Equilibria is running a 30% off sale on all boxes – for a one time purchase OR a subscription. If you’re new, add code JESSIE to stack an extra 15% off, for a savings of 45%!** ends 5/9


Read my post all about CBD, what it is, why I take it, and FAQs HERE: Finding Balance with Equilibria CBD | Review + FAQ



The “two under two” life hit me (and Dathan) like a ton of freakin’ bricks, y’all. Like wait a second – they both need constant care, attention, physical help, emotional support, mental focus. All from me… And I barely have enough to sustain my own existence. Like seriously, how. Who did I think I was, taking on “two under two”? How the actual heck am I supposed to do it ALL at once?

Settling into a new routine took TIME and the tougher part is that it’s always changing. Nap schedules change, their needs change, feeding routines change – it’s always shifting. So as soon as you get a little comfortable, you’ve got to switch it up. That is HARD for personalities like mine & Dathan’s.

The hardest part for me seemed to be the evening – where I was trying to squeeze in all the things: wrapping up work I didn’t get to throughout the day, getting in my workout, bathing, feeding, cooking, bedtime routine, cleaning, bathing myself. Some nights I just cried through it not sure how I could make it through those last few hours of the day….. until I chatted with my dosage specialist and she helped me out with a routine to support me through.


  • Morning: Full dropper (10mg/1mL), split into two half doses to allow for better sublingual absorption 
  • Lunch or Mid Afternoon snack: 1 softgel (10mg), with a healthy fat to allow for a slow drip release into the evening
  • Before bed: Full dropper (10mg/1mL), as needed, split into two half doses to allow for better sublingual absorption  
  • Reach for additional drops / relief cream for “in the moment” extra support as needed




Just as our new routines started really falling into place, I hired an amazing “work/babies/house/everything helper” a few hours a week, and Ford got into a consistent nap schedule that I could work around to “do all the things”… my little angel who once slept through the night (starting at just a few days old) decided that waking up multiple times per night for mom to feed him while he laid there with his eyes shut was actually pretty great.

Great for Ford, not so great for me. I found myself smacking myself awake so I could get up, make his bottle, walk downstairs without falling, feed baby, change a diaper if needed… just to get back to bed and not be able to fall asleep.

At midnight, 2 AM, 4 AM – I was hit with that one embarrassing thing I did in 6th grade at recess, the item I forgot in my grocery order, the “what was that sound?” followed by checking security cameras, peeking out windows, looking for intruders, wondering if Hudson was really okay and breathing in his room. I’d barely get myself back to sleep before Ford was up again wanting more milk, and by morning I was toast.

Figuring out how to dwindle down those nighttime feedings is a beast to tackle on its own – but not being able to get back to sleep myself after each feeding… not cool. Mom’s gotta get some rest in order to do it all again the next day. I NEEDED to be able to fall back to sleep, and quick.


Hire a night nurse.

Just kidding, lol. Although I know some do and they are honestly geniuses for it. But, since I am the night nurse… I shifted my dosage! Now my focus was all on the sleep, with “as needed” stress support throughout the day:

  • Lunch or Mid Afternoon snack: Full dropper (10mg/1mL), split into two half doses to allow for better sublingual absorption
  • Before bed: 1 softgel (10mg), with a healthy fat to allow for a slow drip release throughout the night + one full dropper to really get the bedtime wind-down started
  • Reach for additional drops / now the new “Rapid Calming Melts” as needed for extra support during the day when overwhelmed, or at night if needed to get back to sleep

The new “Rapid Calming Melts” could not have come at a better time for me. Hudson’s up to typical two-year-old shenanigans & drama (which I honestly love, haha – am I weird for thinking two year olds are just the best? I find it all so entertaining), and then Ford adds some spice to the mix with the fastest, sneakiest crawling/wrestling/attack moves you’ve ever seen. He is just everywhere. The combo is amazing and fun but exhausting and sometimes I need a moment.

Except I don’t have a moment, LOL, so the calming melts that take action in 10 minutes or less and last for 3-6 hours… seriously the “chill pill” I cannot do without. Like a daytime appropriate sip of wine in mint form. Just pure gold I tell ya.

For a more subtle dose of CBD plus aromatherapy benefits, I’m also a big fan of the Calming Rollerball – has a soft lavender scent that helps me feel calm/focused and has been great for relieving tension when I have a headache coming on.



Balancing hormones and getting my body to a state of normalcy/overall wellness is a huge passion of mine. SO COOL that while getting your zen on, and *feeling* more balanced emotionally with a good CBD routine, you can also be physically balancing your body & hormones.

Seriously, though… in all that free time of yours – do some research on the endocannabinoid system! Fascinating stuff!

For any new moms out there, or soon-to-be-new-moms who may be in a similar situation to one of mine… I hope this was helpful! Know that you are 1 million percent NOT alone when you’re feeling overwhelmed or underslept or any of those feels that come postpartum.

When you’re up at 1 AM feeling like the only person in the world with that baby and wondering how you’re gonna make it through… I’m probably up thinking the same thing. Hopefully not for much longer LOL – but there are so many of us going through all the things! I see it in my DMs every day. You’re in good company.

Take care of you


**ALERT: Just in time for Mother’s Day, Equilibria is running a 30% off sale on all boxes – for a one time purchase OR a subscription. If you’re new, add code JESSIE to stack an extra 15% off, for a savings of 45%!**

As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailments or disease. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.

This post was sponsored by Equilibria.  Per usual, all opinions expressed herein are my very own. You know I only partner with brands I already use & love – and am PROUD to join forces with! I hope you love their product as much as I do!