We are getting so close to officially welcoming baby boy #2 into our family, which means all of the preparations are underway! Freezing a few meals, making sure baby’s room and his “stuff” are all ready, getting the postpartum baskets together for mom (see all about that HERE), and packing our bags for labor/delivery!

This will be my first time giving birth at a private birth center. Last time was at a traditional hospital! So my bag looks a little bit different, but honestly not much!
Typically, for a birth center, you don’t need as much since you go home a few hours after giving birth. But I packed extra just in case we were to get transferred to the hospital for any reason and may need to stay overnight. I’d rather be over-prepared!
I went off of prior experience of what we liked having with us last time, and also off of a “suggested packing list” that my midwife gave me!
Clothes, comfort, toiletries, food, stuff for baby & dad, and also noted some things I did to prep for big brother Hudson who will be waiting at home!
If I missed anything that you loved having, share in the comments! I would love your input for any new moms-to-be reading here!

- Small Rolling Suitcase (we have the “Away” brand Bigger Carry-On)
- Labor Outfit: I’m going with a bralette and shorts, and will bring an extra set for “just in case”
- Brami bra top (like a cropped cami, super comfortable and lightweight, no support)
- Lace Bralettes (a little more support, still really comfortable)
- Running Shorts (comfortable for laboring in, lower waist to monitor baby)
- Biker Shorts (waist can be folded down if needed – loved these for third trimester)
- Walking Shoes (if you need to get outside for a change of scenery or to walk around to progress labor – I treated myself to a new pair to pack, and will wear regularly after baby!)
- After-Birth Outfit: I’m planning on a bralette, lounge outfit, comfortable robe, and slippers
- Going Home Outfit: comfy & easy to put on is the name of the game here!
- Oversized Tee (recently got these from Amazon and LOVE)
- Cardigan (comfy, lightweight, long enough to cover the diaper butt situation LOL)
- Leggings (the same soft/stretchy ones I wore for pregnancy – nothing too restricting; could also do soft joggers)
- Sandals (easy to slip on, easy to pack!)
- Adult diapers (these from my postpartum essentials post)

- My Travel Toiletry Bag
- Travel Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Floss
- Travel Skincare (either in travel size bottles or purchase small bottles to pump your usual skincare into – these are good ones)
- Face Wash (I brought one for us to share)
- Moisturizer
- Makeup Wipes (loved having these to take off my makeup once I was in labor and needing everything *off*. But also great for a quick cleanse/refresh when it’s tough to get up to the restroom to wash your face.
- Deodorant (use code JESSIE for 10% off – I use the Lavender scent)
- Lip Balm
- Body Wash (travel size, in case I take a shower)
- Body Lotion (travel size, in case I want it after shower)
- Brush (these travel “Tangle Teaser” dupes are amazing – we use for Dathan’s beard and Hudson’s hair too)
- Hair Ties
- Hair Clip (especially for labor)
- Makeup (if you want – I liked having the option for getting ready to go home)
- Small bottle of coconut oil (for helping to reduce tearing during labor, and also for baby)
- Rice pack (for hot/cold therapy during labor)
- Yeti Cup with Straw
- Labor affirmation cards or notes I want to remember
- Essential Oil blends (optional)
- I brought some homemade rollerball blends for my last labor and ended up wanting nothing to do with them. But a calming option if you want to bring just in case!

I have a list on my phone of which cold items to grab before we go. And I have a grocery bag of pantry items waiting on a shelf to add to it!
- Beef Sticks
- RXBARs, Perfect Bars, Rise Bars
- Bag of Plantain Chips
- Frozen Meals (For Dathan to eat if labor is long or we’re there for awhile, and for me after birth before going home – my midwife wants to see that you’ve eaten something hearty before leaving. These are our favorite, paleo/keto meals. Use code JESSIE for a discount!)
- Kombucha (for Dathan)
- Juice
- Coconut Water
- Water Bottles
- Insulated Grocery Bag to hold it all
- Phone Charger
- AirPods (for listening to music or whatever you like during labor)
- Small Purse or Travel Wallet (I liked the travel wallet for the hospital last time since it was small and held everything I needed – ID, insurance cards, etc., and I could leave it with my husband. For the birth center which is very private/secure, I’ll bring my purse)

For Baby
- Diaper Bag (I’m using a canvas tote that’s easy to grab into)
- Diapers & Wipes (we use Honest diapers & Water Wipes)
- Swaddles (Lou Lou & Company are my favorite)
- Hat (also Lou Lou – they have really cute matching sets for boys & girls!)
- Nasal Aspirator (Hudson spit up a LOT after birth, so I loved having this for the car ride home)
- Binky (just in case, for car ride home)
- Blanket (something thick & soft for carrying outside to car – this is our favorite)
- Changing Mat (we use these leather ones at home & on the go)
- Dock A Tot (will have in the car just in case we want it!)
- Going Home Outfit (I’m bringing the same outfit we brought Hudson home in! Also love these zip-up jammies – for something comfy that won’t interfere with the car seat!)
- Infant Car Seat (we loved this one so much for Hudson! using the same for baby brother)
For Dathan
- Duffel Bag
- Comfortable change of clothes (shorts, t-shirt, underwear, running shoes or sandals, sweatshirt just in case)
- Basic outfit for going home
- Phone Charger
- Deodorant
- rest of the toiletries will be packed in my bag that we’ll share!
For Big Brother
Hudson won’t be joining us at the birth center, but I did make sure to have plenty of food & milk stocked for him at home where his grandma & grandpa will be to take care of him & keep him in his comfortable environment until we’re back with baby brother!
To help make it easier on both him AND the grandparents, I typed out a schedule detailing out his day including food/snack ideas, reminders for little things like to offer water/apply sunscreen (and how to operate the iPad baby monitor lol), and also included activity ideas for different times of the day. I’m totally okay if they just wing it and “do their thing” – but thought this would be helpful in case they’re feeling stuck or want a reminder of what his usual day looks like! I printed & stuck in a folder that stays on the counter until baby is here, along with contact info for the birth center for “just in case”.
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