You guys, I have chills just sitting here letting it sink in that I am actually writing this post.
More than chills, actually… tears!  It is just so surreal.  I am so grateful, and feel so incredibly blessed to announce that we are expecting our first baby, due December 6, 2018!  

I am pregnant!!!  And almost 13 weeks along.
As you all know, we got married at the beginning of March.  We knew we wanted to try right away, but never really imagined that it would happen so fast!
The first few weeks after finding out were some of the scariest, most humbling days of my life.  I just felt so insecure in my body, so worried that it was all “too easy” and something must go wrong.  I overthought every twinge & pull, and drove myself nearly crazy.  I guess it’s just that we wanted it so bad, and working in the fields I work in (health, wellness, education)– I am so aware of the struggles so many mamas-to-be face.  Know that I am thinking of & hoping for each of you out there who is on your own journey. 
The first trimester also totally kicked my butt in terms of feeling sick every day- it was so tough just to get out of bed and go to work each day!  Let alone eat all of the nutrient-dense foods & get exercise, and keep the house looking decent.
Needless to say, I have been working hard on my mindset- and I am happy to report that for the most part, I am feeling SO much more comfortable & confident about this pregnancy.  The nausea & fatigue is getting better & better each day…
And most importantly:  there’s a baby in there!  A healthy little boy or girl that we cannot wait to meet.  Until then, I’m SO excited just to keep taking the best care of myself & this little person that I can- and to prepare for their arrival!
I am so grateful to have this platform to be able to share with you all.  It’s going to be such an incredible journey… it already has been!
We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives, becoming parents.  And I can’t wait to share it all with you!
Thank you for being here with me.  Your support means so much & I have been so excited to tell you!

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