Today I’m honestly super excited to share about something very different and maybe a little taboo/TMI (although it shouldn’t be!): my must-have or “essential” products for postpartum!

After a tough time in those early weeks with Hudson, made tougher by feeling super underprepared, I am so happy to feel a lot more confident this time around with what I’ll need for my personal care.

With my first pregnancy, I spent so much time focused on what I would need for my newborn, that I honestly forgot about myself! I bought a few things and did a little research.. but even after all of the prenatal appointments, birth classes, YouTube videos, and more, I was personally left feeling totally shocked and overwhelmed by what the early postpartum days had in store for me.

Bleeding, comfort, pain relief, hygiene, home remedies, food – I’m covering it all based on what I experienced the first time around, the research I’ve done since, and what I’m feeling good about having on hand for baby #2!

Big disclaimer: I know every single postpartum experience is SO different. We are all different people, so what’s comfortable & preferred for each of us is going to be totally different always, but especially during a time as personal and intense as those days after giving birth. These are ‘essentials’ for me, but I know that can be totally different for you! Feel free to share your must-haves with us in the comments – we would love to hear from you!

If you’re a new-mama-to-be, or know someone who is, I sure hopes this helps you get an idea of what you might need to help you be more comfortable & prepared during this challenging (yet truly AMAZING) time.

Click the listed items to go to the link, or click the pictures at the bottom of each category!

NOTE: I bought double of just about everything in the bleeding/pain relief/hygiene categories for the early days and am keeping it all in two baskets – one for upstairs, one for downstairs! That way I’ll know where everything is, can grab it easily when I need it, and can tuck it away if company is over & I don’t want all my stuff on display. I got THESE baskets that I can reuse as laundry baskets afterward!


The amount of blood & fluids that leave your body in the not days, but WEEKS following birth is honestly shocking. It starts out SUPER intense, and gradually tapers off. Here’s what I used from start to finish of this *super fun* process!

  • Disposable Underwear (aka… adult diapers!): I wore these for the first several days, and then overnight as needed when the bleeding was super intense. They’re so much more comfortable than a giant pad stuffed in underwear, and honestly the giant pads wouldn’t cut it for me at this point anyway unless I wanted to change it out every 30 minutes. I used the Always “Discreet” version last time and while they worked great, they had a “fresh scent” fragrance to them that ended up grossing me out so much. I went with THESE this time and the sizing & fit seems the same, great reviews, but no smell at all. I usually wore a size 6-8 in pants pre-pregnancy, and got a Medium.
  • Overnight Pads: Once the diaper started to feel like overkill, I went down a step to these pads. They still held a lot but weren’t SUPER uncomfortable (coming from someone who really hates pads). I paired them with THESE underwear which I’ll talk more about down below!
  • Large Pads: My next step down was these, which still did the job and were more comfortable for daytime wear when I was changing more often. I love this brand for quality (organic, no fragrance/chlorine) and comfort.
  • Regular Pads: Once the bleeding was down to a normal period type of flow, I switched to these.
  • Liners: These were the final step for me, when it was just fluid but no longer bleeding. I still needed these probably 6 or more weeks out!


From afterbirth cramping to pain from stretching, tearing, stitches, etc. – there’s plenty of pain in those early days. Ibuprofen is great! And I’ll be using that in the first few days. But these are some others that I’ll keep on hand for relief.

  • AfterEase: this is a liquid herbal supplement that you take by the dropper-full to ease cramping and contractions after baby. So many people swear by it!
  • Dermaplast Spray: this is made to cool & soothe all sorts of minor cuts, scrapes, burns, etc. – and it’s honestly magic for spraying “down there” if you’ve had any sort of tearing. I had stitches with Hudson, and used this every time I went to the bathroom as a final step. It’s especially great for those early days when you want the relief but don’t want to touch anything down there. The spray makes it super easy and non-irritating.
  • Tucks Cooling Pads: These can be used to clean & wipe (while cooling/soothing) then toss – but they also can be layered over a pad to provide longer term relief. So many swear by this brand!
  • Cooling Pad Liners: Another newer option that are full-length, designed to be worn on top of your pad in the early days to provide longer term soothing and cooling. I got these to try!


Trips to the bathroom were my least favorite thing postpartum. So uncomfortable, so awkward. But with a stash of supplies on hand, it can be totally manageable – and before you know it, it’s all over!

  • Peri Bottle: My hospital gave me a basic one of these to take home, but I found a new angled one to try this time and am so excited about it – way easier to clean yourself with this type of nozzle, so much less awkward. Because “wiping” was totally terrifying & not an option in those early days with trauma & stitches down there.
  • Baby Wipes: these can be great for feeling a little more clean but quick. I like this brand of wipes for baby, and they’re great for mom during this time too since they are SUPER gentle with no harsh ingredients at all. I follow up by dabbing with toilet paper, but appreciate these!
  • Extra Bathroom Garbage Bags: random, but so necessary with all of the bathroom trips & underwear/pad changes. Helps feel more private when you can keep it in your own bag and toss when needed, especially if you share a bathroom!


  • High Waisted Underwear: from the time I switched to pads on to the “liner” stage, these were so essential. I’m not a “full coverage underwear” girl so this was a must-have I totally overlooked last pregnancy. I love that these are inexpensive, high waisted, soft/comfy, yet still give some tummy control so I didn’t feel as frumpy after just giving birth. I had both this pack and this pack (really similar, just one has a little bit thinner/softer material – but both very comfortable).
  • Pajamas: these were my favorite that I wore for a long time after baby (and still wear!). The button down top is nice if you’re nursing or want easy access for skin-to-skin with baby. And being a matching set, they just look a little more put-together for pajamas!
  • Lounge Pants: so essential for days where you don’t want to be in pajamas anymore, but are still wearing a diaper/giant pad after all. The material on these is AMAZING and this brand lasts forever. Another style HERE – but honestly, any comfy lounge pants you love that you can pair with a comfy tee or tank!
  • Supportive Leggings: This brand & style is my favorite of all time, and I love the wide band on top that provides tummy control/smoothing. I was able to wear these for the first half or so of pregnancy and can’t wait to get back in them postpartum for that tummy support. For a softer legging that will be stretchy & forgiving and comfortable enough to sleep in, THESE are my favorite that I’ve been able to fit into all through pregnancy (super soft!)
  • Cardigan or Robe with Pockets: this was SO essential for keeping me & baby cozy, but honestly the pockets were the most essential part!! I always had them full with phone (for alarms to feed, apps to track feedings, etc), burp cloths, a hat, aspirator – always something! I love the Barefoot Dreams cardigans, and bought THIS ROBE (different brand, more lightweight) for this time around!
  • Cozy Blanket: this one is such a splurge item but I love the feel of it, and it’s honestly just nice to have a “treat yourself” item for postpartum!


  • Magnesium Drink: helps keep your digestion “regular” and also helps with calming anxious feelings and naturally supports good sleep. I use this all through pregnancy but it’s especially important for potential bathroom issues early postpartum
  • Rescue Remedy: liquid drops with safe, natural ingredients any time you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed (aka me for weeks after Hudson, lol). This is one of those remedies I’ve used for years but somehow didn’t think to reach for postpartum. I’ve stocked up for this time around! It’s almost like CBD, but short term effects and safe for nursing.
  • Placenta Encapsulation: something to look into! Some swear by it, others (like me) say it’s hard to know how much of a difference it made when you have nothing to compare it to. My midwife said it can really help with mood support and is a great option if you think you’re more prone to postpartum depression.


I prepped a few meals to stock in the freezer (breakfast bakes, mason jar soups, crockpot dinners) – see all of my freezer how-tos in my FREEZER GUIDE POST. My baked oatmeal recipes have been a HUGE hit with other moms. (Find my Chocolate Chip Coconut version here, Berry version here)

But honestly, we all only have so much freezer space. So my biggest advice would be to have some easy, fast recipes you know you can throw together quick (or that your spouse or family member can easily make!), budget for extra takeout nights, and stock up on space-saving freezer eats that you can repurchase any time – my favorites below!

  • Daily Harvest (code JUSTJESSIEB for $25 off)
    • Smoothies: I have one of these every day, for breakfast or lunch. They have a big variety, some small enough for a snack (but you can always bulk up with protein powder, coconut milk, etc) and others large enough to easily replace a meal.
    • Flatbreads: these are so easy to pop in the oven from frozen and are just so good. The Artichoke + Spinach is my hands-down favorite.
    • Oat Bowls: great pick if you are looking for something to help up your milk supply (or just keep you nourished!)
    • Harvest Bowls: easy veggie based dishes you can add chopped or browned protein to (like meal prepped chicken or ground beef), or eat on their own
  • Balanced Bites (code JESSIE for a discount): frozen meals that taste fresh & are super satisfying and nourishing. Most paleo & keto (just a couple have dairy). I’m going to seriously stock up on these, even more so than usual! They’re great to have on hand for yourself, or your spouse, and store really easily as the packaging is super sleek and space-saving. Can’t say enough about these – I’ve gifted them to my best friends when they’ve had babies, and will always have them in the freezer!
    • Spaghetti Squash Bolognese Bake is my favorite if I had to choose, but honestly every dish from this company is so so good.
    • I’ll also be bringing a couple of these to the birth center, in case Dathan gets hungry while I’m in labor, and one for me after birth before we go home!
  • Water Cup: because you will need so much to replenish your body from losing all of those fluids! I love THIS ONE because it’s big & keeps water at the perfect temp. I have the straw lid, helps me drink more & is easy for when you’re holding a baby all the time!

cutest big brother to snuggle & play with is my final must-have!

So what do you think – anything I missed that was a must-have for you? Let us know down below! I hope this was helpful. Sending all my love for a quick & easy recovery if you are a soon-to-be new mom!